Digital Restoration and Preservation for Archiving Service
– Restoration services include handling films/video contents defects such as dust, dirt, flickers, scratches, hairs & lines removal, de-spot, de-stain, de-fog, de-wrap, color stabilization, image stabilization, etc.
– Provide restoration services (such as Dust, Dirt, flickers & Scratches Removal; Film Grain Reduction; Image Stabilization; De-Warp, De-Spot; De-Stain; De-Fog; Strip Recombine etc.) for the content owners on digital restoration.
– Our professionals will carefully select and suggest the best way to restore clients’ priceless films/video contents and archive them in digital data format for future distribution/archive storage use.
Within $30,000 - $120,000
Digital Restoration and Preservation for Archiving Service